N e w
 l a y e r

Club rides are currently being scheduled and managed on MEETUP.

For our current schedule - please visit:

Spokane Bicycle Club Meetup


Come Ride With Us!

The Spokane Bicycle Club is a recreational and social organization that promotes lifelong cycling 

for fun and health.

We pursue our mission through:

  • Organizing group rides that appeal to riders of various skill levels and covers a variety of terrains and distance
  • Organizing multi-day cycling tours
  • Advocating safe cycling through sponsoring and supporting cycle-positive events and activities

    as well as involvement in local, state, and national transportation and cycling organizations

  • Educating riders about safe, enjoyable local cycling routes
  • Educating members about cycling innovation, legislation, as well as showcasing cycling adventures and events through monthly meetings and a bimonthly newsletter
  • Providing social opportunities with fellow cyclist


     The Spokane Bicycle Club currently offers 7 regular group rides per week depending on weather conditions. You can find our rides and sign up on the Meetup app. You do not have to be a club member to join our rides but if you do enjoy our rides, we do encourage you to become a member.  

     Our regular ride schedule is as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning to afternoon for all cyclists. Friday mornings is a women's only ride. There is also a Thursday evening ride for all cyclists.

     Our rides vary in location, average speed, distance, and difficulty. While most rides are on paved surfaces, we do offer an occasional gravel ride which will be stated in the ride description on the Meetup post. Please make sure you read the individual ride description on every Meetup ride thoroughly to make sure it is appropriate for you. You are welcome to use any bike you wish even E-bikes as long as it is in good, safe working order. Helmets and signing of our waiver are required for all SBC rides. 

We look forward to cycling with you!!!


Cross Washington Tour

Commemorative T-shirt ordering deadline has passed

T-shirts will be distributed at the November General Meeting on 11/18 6pm at St Marks


October General Meeting:

Zwift Indoor Cycling Training

21 October 2024 6:00 PM

St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 316 E. 24th Ave, Spokane, WA



NOOOOOO, it’s too early to think about Winter. Yep, you’re right! We still have lots of great cycling days ahead. BUT!!! It’s not too early to think about what to do to stay in shape over those cold months. Well, here’s your answer. ZWIFT!!! Zwift is an indoor cycling game. The picture above on the right is my Zwift set-up. A PC, a smart trainer, my bike, and a BIG fan. The picture on the left is what you see when you are on a ride, that’s me in the middle and a couple other SBC Club members around me. We were doing a group ride in France. I’ve used Zwift since 2019 and it’s kept me in cycling shape when I haven’t been able to get out on the real road.

When our SBC rides stop for the winter, we will start regular Zwift group rides. We will do 4+ rides a week. Our rides are in a  group format where as long as you pedal, you will stay with the group. We also use the Discord app so we can talk to each other in real time to help those that need technical assistance,  help with passing the time on the bike, or just socializing.

On Zwift you can also do a solo ride at your own pace with people from all over the world, and with over 130 different routes, it’s difficult to get bored. Zwift is also a great way to compliment rides during the season or a great way to get “a quick ride” in. Honestly Zwift is an excellent training tool. Where else can you ride a bike with thousands of people from all over the world at the same time.

Our October general meeting will be a Zwift training meeting. This is a great time to learn about Zwift. We will have a live demonstration and you can even try it yourself. We will explain the set-up involved, equipment you need, how to join our rides, how you can use Zwift to help you achieve many other cycling goals, the costs, and support that you might need.

So, join us!!! This meeting will give you time to get your equipment and get set-up just in time to get a full Winter of comfortable cycling in.



Disclaimer:   The Spokane Bicycle Club makes no representations or warranties as to the difficulties or current conditions of the published routes and is not responsible for risks, damages or accidents which may occur as a result of bicycling on these or any other routes referred on the Spokane Bicycle Club website

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Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software