Local Rides & Maps
Disclaimer: The Spokane Bicycle Club makes no representations or warranties as to the difficulties or current conditions of the published routes and is not responsible for risks, damages or accidents which may occur as a result of bicycling on these or any other routes referred on the Spokane Bicycle Club website |
Local rides links
If you are visiting Spokane or Coeur d’Alene - and are not familiar with the area – here are some popular trails and routes:
North Idaho Centennial Trail - a continuation from WA State to Coeur d"Alene
Local Government Maps
City of Spokane's Bicycle Master Plan - https://my.spokanecity.org/downtowncentral/connections/bikeways/ Also scroll down to the Level of Stress map, showing accident locations, and identifying streets better for cycling.
Spokane Valley's Draft Bikeway Network Map - https://bit.ly/2HE99g7 (PDF), also expandable GIS map: https://bit.ly/2XH8iz3
The www.traillink.com website has directions to local trails, including reviews and tips from riders, as well as showing trails you might have overlooked. Traillink requires a free login. Many major trails have their own websites.
TrailLink - A site sponsored by Rail to Trails Conservancy - will link to most trails across the Nation
Williams Lake | Spokane Valley | Hauser Lake |
Half Moon | Greenbluff | Chattaroy |